Mission board gets uplifting overseas reports

The LCMS Board for International Mission met Sept. 23 and 24 in St. Louis.

‘Set Apart to Serve’: Church Worker Recruitment Initiative gets new name

Resolution 6-01, “To Support and Participate in the Comprehensive Church Worker Recruitment Initiative,” was adopted by the LCMS convention in 2019.

McDonnell joins staff of CUEnet

Concordia University Education Network, or CUEnet, was established more than two decades ago as a cooperative effort of the institutions of the Concordia University System.

‘Church in a messy world’: BOD looks back on pandemic year

The LCMS Board of Directors met Aug. 26 in St. Louis.

Harrison letter offers counsel and resources on COVID-19 vaccine

The letter was sent to the rostered workers, congregations and Recognized Service Organizations of the Synod.

October ‘Witness’: A Book of Concord toolkit

The October issue of The Lutheran Witness offers a “Reader’s Guide to the Book of Concord, in honor of Paul McCain.”

Campus clips — Health in the spotlight

News from LCMS universities and seminaries.

‘A real hunger’: Opportunities abound for LCMS Hispanic ministry

This article is the last in a series celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month.

Stained glass from IC on display at art museum

The exhibit, “Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration,” highlights artwork of the last thousand years from the greater St. Louis area.

Service of Thanksgiving recognizes missionaries

The chapel service recognized nine new missionary families and honored eight missionary families who recently ended their service.

Strand retires after 40 years of Synod service

David Strand has served as executive director of LCMS Communications since 2006.

Hispanic Heritage Month: Q&A with the Rev. Zabdi Lopez

The Rev. Zabdi Lopez discusses bilingual ministry in Woodburn, Ore.

Celebrate Church Worker Appreciation Month in October

Congregations and school communities are encouraged to use the month of October to demonstrate appreciation not only for their pastors, but for all workers in the parish and school

Casiodoro de Reina, translator and publisher of first complete Spanish Bible

This article is the third in a series observing Hispanic Heritage Month.

Egger installed as 11th president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

The Aug. 27 service also kicked off CSL’s 183rd academic year under the theme “Your Word Is a Lamp to My Feet.”

World events receive church’s response

As the world has experienced a series of disasters and international events of far-reaching consequences, the LCMS has responded with prayers, encouragement and financial support.