The LCMS Council of Presidents held its fall meeting in San Diego Nov. 12-15.
Concordia Seminary
Concordia Historical Institute recognizes excellence in works published in 2017
At its 44th annual banquet, CHI presented awards in the categories of family history, biography and historic preservation, among others.
BOD continues on path toward best corporate stewardship
At its November meeting, the Board heard from its chairman about efforts to increase the efficiencies of corporate Synod so the church can use the savings on its “core competencies.”
Obituary: Rev. Dr. Edwin S. Suelflow, former South Wisconsin District president
Suelflow, who served as SWD president from 1988 to 1994, died on Dec. 31, 2018.
KFUO’s ‘Word and Work’ features seminary’s Meyer
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, President Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer is bringing voices from the front lines of ministry to the air waves of KFUO in a weekly program called “Word and Work: An Intersection.”
Campus clips – Founders, programmers, nurses and authors
News from LCMS colleges and seminaries.
Lutherans For Life celebrates 40th anniversary at annual conference
The theme of the conference, held Oct. 12-13 in St. Louis, was “From Age to Age the Same,” a paraphrase of Is. 46:4.
Obituary: Rev. Dr. Richard T. Hinz, former Southeastern District president
A funeral service is set for Aug. 31 for former LCMS Southeastern District President Rev. Dr. Richard T. Hinz, who died Aug. 21 at his home in Fredericksburg, Va.
Seminaries host fall events for future students, church workers and laity
The beginning of a new academic year provides a multitude of educational and enrichment opportunities at both LCMS seminaries.
LCMS Chaplain Gregory Todd promoted to rear admiral in Washington, D.C.
After a rigorous review and selection process, LCMS Chaplain Gregory Todd has been promoted to the rank of rear admiral (lower half) and will now serve as deputy chief of Navy chaplains and chaplain of the U.S. Marine Corps.
‘Lift High the Cross’ theme of National Disaster Response Conference
Registration is open for the 2018 LCMS National Disaster Response Conference, set for Oct. 16–18 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
Rutt named Concordia Seminary provost
The Rev. Dr. Douglas Rutt has accepted a call from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to serve as its new provost and professor of practical theology beginning July 1.
Obituary: Rev. Paul Weber, former Ohio District president
The Rev. Paul A. Weber, who served as president of the LCMS Ohio District from 1982 to 1988, died May 27. His funeral service is set for 11 a.m. on Monday, June 4.
Candidate placement headlines COP meeting
The LCMS Council of Presidents (COP) met April 21–26, traveling from St. Louis to Fort Wayne, Ind., to place pastoral and commissioned candidates, elect new leadership and work through matters of ecclesiastical supervision.
Seminaries offer summer learning opportunities
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. are offering a series of summer workshops — open to pastors, church workers and laypeople — in various locations across the country.