The Rev. Ken Hennings, president of the LCMS Texas District, thanks those who have helped and invites additional volunteers.
Disaster Response
Oct. 29 church bulletin insert, flier for disaster relief efforts
As of Oct. 19, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s California-Nevada-Hawaii District reports several members have lost homes to California wildfires.
Oct. 22 church bulletin insert, flier for Disaster Response aid
The LCMS encourages congregations to use the following church bulletin insert and flier to inform members how they can join relief efforts in Puerto Rico, California, and beyond.
Recovery slow but steady in Puerto Rico as donations and aid are still needed
Power remains out over much of the island and many roads are still blocked by debris.
Harvey and Irma: Synod focuses on long-term aid
Collaboration among LCMS Disaster Response, affected districts and essential partners continues to be strengthened by generosity shown across the Synod.
Puerto Rico update: Interview with Missionary Matt Ruesch
An LCMS Disaster Response team has been on the ground in Puerto Rico this past week as part of an initial assessment trip.
Synod prepares response to devastated Puerto Rico
With limited information from Lutherans there, an LCMS assessment team plans to leave for the island Oct. 5.
BOD votes to increase disaster-fund impact
Also in its regular meeting, the Board considered ways to increase effectiveness, received reports and took routine actions.
Oct. 1 church bulletin insert, flier for disaster relief
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and local districts will continue providing long-term recovery and care for disaster victims, including those affected by Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma.
Photo gallery: Responding to Hurricane Irma in Florida
LCMS World Relief and Human Care is working with the LCMS Florida-Georgia District to bring relief and the hope of the Gospel to Hurricane Irma victims.
KFUO Audio: Why Do Christians Show Mercy?
The Rev. Ross Johnson, director of LCMS Disaster Response, and the Rev. Michael Meyer, manager of LCMS Disaster Response, joined host Kip Allen on September’s “Free to be Faithful” program on Worldwide KFUO to discuss how Christians respond to disasters.
LCMS receiving reports from missionaries in Caribbean, Mexico after disasters
The LCMS Office of International Mission and LCMS Disaster Response are working to connect with our missionaries and partners following Hurricane Maria and the earthquake in Mexico.
Disaster: what to know before you give or go
It is important to make sure we help, not hinder, the relief effort.
Texas disaster relief involves teamwork, partnerships, kindness
Disaster-response planning continues among LCMS Disaster Response, LCMS Texas District responders and partner organizations as Hurricane Harvey relief operations switch gears toward long-term recovery.
Disaster Response prayer petitions for Sept. 9-10 worship services
LCMS Worship offers petitions to pray for those affected by Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma or any other disaster during Sept. 9-10 worship services.