The Rev. Dr. Frazier Norton Odom, former interim executive director of Black Ministry for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, died on April 20 at the age of 83.
Concordia University Chicago
Campus clips – Synod’s institutions of higher learning wind down year
News from LCMS universities and seminaries.
Campus clips – Concordias expand space and programs
Updates from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips – Vaccines, honors, traditions
Updates from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Obituary: Dr. Carl Flentge Schalk, professor, Concordia University Chicago
Dr. Carl Flentge Schalk, composer and retired professor of church music at Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill., died on Jan. 24 at the age of 91.
Joint statement from CUS presidents on closing of CCNY
The institutions of the Concordia University System, the national higher education network of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, extend their collective support for the students, faculty, staff and administration of Concordia College New York, Bronxville, N.Y., which announced today its intention to cease operations at the start of the fall 2021 semester.
Campus clips – Wellness, vocation, technology
Updates from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips – Seminaries and colleges report on enrollment, events, service
News from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Obituary: Rev. Paul Timothy McCain, publisher and executive editor, Concordia Publishing House
The Rev. Paul Timothy McCain, publisher and executive editor at Concordia Publishing House, died on Nov. 25 at the age of 58.
Campus clips – CUS schools report enrollment growth, COVID adjustments
Seminaries also share recent campus news.
Campus clips – Health at forefront as students return to class
News from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips – LCMS schools focus on health, service, future
Updates from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Back to school during COVID-19: ‘Campus Clips’ special edition
The Synod’s colleges, universities and seminaries are preparing to return to class this fall under guidelines necessitated by COVID-19.
Campus clips – Coronavirus, commencements and more
News from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
Campus clips – Spring updates from CUS schools
News from LCMS colleges and universities.
LCMS colleges and seminaries serve students and communities during pandemic
During the COVID-19 shutdown, the Synod’s institutions of higher learning are looking for ways to help while following government-imposed safety mandates.